Sfumato Art Magazine!
We are proud to announce the release of the first edition of our art magazine, published by the gallery! This magazine, crafted by our creative and art-loving team, showcases the remarkable works of artists from around the world.
In each issue, you will encounter a collection of masterpieces and analytical articles that not only delve into the depth of the artworks but also introduce you to emerging trends in the art world. This magazine serves as a bridge between artists and art enthusiasts, providing a platform for expressing and promoting ideas and creativity.
We invite you to read this edition and hope you enjoy its pages as much as we enjoyed creating them.

Featured Artists
Adrian Skiles
Alexia Roberts
Amy Phillips
Anna Weichselbaumer
Barbara D’Angelo Månsson
Barry R Adamson
Beatrice Sartori
Bobby Restandy
Brandi Dieter
Brian Flaherty
Brian Walters
Bukola Orioye
Camille Meyniel
Carmen Schaefer
Cher Pruys
Colette Jackson
Collins Osemeke
Erin Thompson
Farahnaz Olyaei
Faten Khalil
Frances Bildner
Giovanni Primo Greco
Hargun Mann
Heath Zimmerman
Irfan Ajvazi
Irina Mikhailova
Issy Wilson
Jaden Zen
Jasmine Azarian
Javad Jafari
Jayne Cooper
Jean-Louis Bianchi
Jeff Joyce
Jen Goldman
Jennifer Hannigan-Green
Jérôme “Trëz” Oudot
Joyce Yiu
Judith T. Irwin
Julia Paige
Justine Otto
Karen Christie Fisher
Kateryna Butterworth
Kenan Koçak
Laura Anido Serrano
Lily Chowdhury
Linda Laino
Lindsey Mctavish
Lionel Harry Malo
Lisa Roggenbuck
Lorenzo Campetella
Marco Papini
Marcus Duchen
Marie-José Robinson Kafri
Mauricio Porto
Melanie Brock
Michael Surber
Michel Jegerlehner
Mojgan Vahdati-Nia
Nasrah Nefer
Natasha Onufrieva
Paola Wu
Paula Borsetti
Pegah Pirhadi
Raissa Oliveira Da Silva
Ranya Ahmed
Romaissa Ferhaoui
Rooha Dabbaghian
Ruby Stathers
Sadaf Kobari
Sahar Moghadam-Kia
Samineh Amel Sayyah
Sandy Lang
Sandy Madar
Sharat Pandit
Sheyda Kazemi
Shweta Bist
Sokol Sinani
Sonia Redfern
Stephanie Hopkins
Sumali Piyatissa
Sunny Altman
Tina Bopiah
Toshiko Kitano Groner
Veronique Toinon
Yanina de Martino
Breaking News:
Sfumato Art Gallery Announces Inaugural Publication Showcasing Global Talent
Sfumato Art Gallery has announced the release of its highly anticipated first publication. In this landmark edition, the artworks on display from visionary artists spanning the globe will provide a tantalizing glimpse into the diverse and vibrant world of contemporary art. In addition to mesmerizing abstract compositions, this publication is expected to showcase innovative and creative concepts.
With its inaugural publication, the gallery is demonstrating its commitment to fostering artistic dialogue and promoting emerging talents internationally. Art enthusiasts and collectors alike will be able to discover and experience a kaleidoscope of artistic visions in this immersive experience, each painting representing a unique interpretation of the human experience. Keep an eye out for Sfumato Art Gallery’s announcement of this extraordinary publication, which invites the world to explore the boundless possibilities of artistic expression.
www.gulftoday.ae @gulftoday
Tuesday, April 30, 2024, Shawwal 21, 1445 Volume 29, No. 15